Abandoned Books

Reviews of books and authors not much discussed on the web.

Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Daphne Du Maurier -- Information

The main thing you have to say about Du Maurier fans is that they seem just so gosh-darned nice. Swell old gals, the kind who might slip you an extra mince cookie or two. Or maybe you can even con them into breaking out the apricot brandy.

Unlike most people I'll be talking about here, Du Maurier actually has her own website.


I'm not sure how well it's updated, and it seems to lack comprehensive coverage, but dammit, it sure is nice.

From the link page we find out that if you ever wanted to go to Manderly again (somebody's missed the point of Rebecca) you can go here


Why do people write these godawful fan-fiction sequels? Or prequels or whatever this is? And why do people want to read them?

Here's the kind of guileless, earnest book report that's impossible to sneer at, though it is what it is:


For once the wiki article is pretty weak, although it did link to this decent interview.


She seems quite nice! The kind of hostess who'd give you a big breakfast with fried eggs and blood pudding or whatever they eat out there in Cornwall, then maybe you get a brisk walk out along the cliffs. And then shoot a pheasant or something. And then tea with crumpets. And that really good strawberry jam, not that weak Smucker's crap you get here in the States.